Publisher's Notes

Stories by Diane Haynes Woodburn.

publisher's note

The Ultimate Luxury

The Luxury Issue: Maui boasts world-class resorts, chefs admired all over the planet, oceanfront homes, iconic big waves, and open roads that all lead to Paradise.
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From the Publisher

It’s clear to me what I love most about Maui—our sense of connection: to our past, to our island culture and environment, most importantly, to each other.
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Food, Glorious Food!

This issue is a paean to food, family and friendship.

Editor’s Letter

Mauka to Makai My mornings start mauka to makai. I strap on my helmet, turn on my high-intensity headlight and check the tire pressure on my...
publisher's note

From the Publisher

Miracles do happen.
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From the Publisher

Diane Haynes-Woodburn reflects on the one constant in life—change—and previews some of the exciting stories of rebirth and renewal in the spring issue.
publisher's note

Dim sum, kugel or Christmas pudding, we’re all family.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with gratitude and tolerance, fond memories, laughter, and good health. And perhaps a little dim sum!
maui publisher

From the Publisher

It's time to welcome in the Year of the Rabbit.
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From the Publisher

Maui No Ka Oi Magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn reflects on her recent trip to Italy and the kamaʻaina in us all.
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What Is Luxury?

The meaning of luxury — good health, family, friends and moments of unexpected harmony and joy.
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Publisher’s Note

Happy Birthday, 2008! Sound the noisemakers, pop the champagne, and don’t forget the confetti.
maui publisher

From the Publisher

A hui hou and happy holidays to all.
maui publisher

Among Friends

On an island you are never far from friends.
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Publisher’s Note

Our publisher speaks about change in the air...

Lulu’s Kitchen

While in Provence to visit the legendary vineyard Domaine Tempier, Diane receives an unexpected treat: its matriarch, Madame Lulu Peyraud, agrees to see her.
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Romantic anniversaries . . . oops, missed it.

This issue offers just about everything to make your special day perfect . . . unless you forget.
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Publisher’s Note

If the honu can survive the dinosaurs, the ice age, man and mysterious disease, certainly we humans can survive a little economic blip.
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Days of Awe

Visiting the east coast for a wedding, Maui No Ka Oi publisher, Diane Haynes Woodburn, experiences a sense of awe while seeking inspiration through thoughts of her ancestors.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

Our publisher begins summer vacation on Kaua‘i, with a reunion of family and friends.
maui publisher

Happy New Year!

Maui No Ka Oi magazine publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn discovers the real meaning of luxury living this holiday season.
maui wedding twirl

Here comes the … sun

Maui No Ka Oi Publisher Diane Haynes Woodburn talks about the preparations both physically and mentally for the wedding of her son Michael Haynes.
maui publisher

Think Content!

Believe in the truth and strength of this message: Pursue happiness.
maui publisher

In a word, Aloha

Words are powerful. Let ours be heard — with aloha.
maui publisher

A Toast to Auld Lang Syne

Wishing you a new year in which the brown dog lies low, the path is clear, and riches abound in the most surprising places.
publisher's note

It’s Elemental

From the fury of Pele's fiery volcano, to the gentle tug and pull of lunar tides, Hawai'i is a study of beauty and contrasts created and continually carved by the forces of nature.
publisher's note

From the Publisher

May your own canoe—and your holidays—be filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of wonderful friends.
Diane Woodburn and Tylun Pang

For You, Chef

Chef Pang showed us that taking care of one another is what matters most.

Publisher's Notes

publisher's note

Embracing the Tiger

In this New Year, embrace the optimism of the Water Tiger!

Hawaii Beaches

Island Style